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What’s Your Marketing Strategy for 2011?
Published January 15th, 2011 by Roslyn Garavaglia  

So you’re tweeting, you’re Facebooking and you’re Linking In. Is that because you understand the strategy of social media marketing or are you doing it because others said you should? If you haven’t set out a strategy or an end goal, it probably won’t work!


Social media is the “Age of Engagement”. It requires you to provide rich, high-quality content, in multiple forms and formats and distribute it intelligently to the right media channels. You needstrategy to make it all come together

It requires a holistic, cross-media understanding of how to leverage all the varying channels to really make them work together cohesively. 

It’s about creating a buzz and providing substantive value among existing customers and being found by those who don’t know you exist and “engaging” with both. 

It’s about finding where your customers are congregating and providing substantive useful content so they blog about it, link to it, spread the news via Twitter and email it to their friends. 

It requires ongoing and consistent delivery of high-value information and someone has to manage all that content, someone has to figure out what it is, and what goes where.

Content distribution or syndication across all channels – social, online, video sharing, blogs, communities, search, mobile, etc. and SEO, SMO (social media optimization) is the key to success in such a fragmented media landscape. 

First step is to create high-quality expert content tuned to the concerns of your customers then connect the dots between what it is you’re saying and who it is that can help you distribute it. 

While businesses still believe in their website, if content is not changing regularly it will quickly disappear. Meanwhile your customer’s attention is now on tweetdeck, or their Facebook wall, or their inbox. You have to make sure your content is published in places that are going to get their attention.

Social media isn’t for everyone but it’s where many of your customers are!

Bonza is not a marketing/publishing company! We build websites, implement basic SEO and manage AdWords campaigns. We design blogs and Facebook Fan pages. We do not set up accounts for you. We do not write content for you.

If you want to step into the Social Media arena, we can advise you and make suggestions. We will insert Twitter buttons etc into your website. We can set up a blog on your website. If it involves a chunk of time for my staff to implement, you understand there is a fee involved.

Social media plan: You must know how this will integrate into your site. What will you use, what are the goals, how will you interact with your users, how will it display on your site? And that’s just for starters. Like SEO, social media isn’t an afterthought.

Ready to take action to get ahead of the game?

My best advise to you is to upgrade your website NOW to a Content Management System so you can at least update your website yourselves, add new content and start building a stronger presence online.


 Phone:  1800 280 440 and let’s get started.


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