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Posts Tagged ‘Tweetdeck’

Tweeting up a storm… Are you a Twit?
Published March 21st, 2011 by Roslyn Garavaglia Comments Off on Tweeting up a storm… Are you a Twit?

TwitterAre you a Twit yet? I have to admit that in the beginning of all the social media hype a few years ago, I was one of many sceptics and publically said it was all stuff and nonsense.

Do you “Get” Twitter?  I could not see the value in writing 140 characters of bite size information and have anyone want to read and respond to it.

Now you see Follow us on Twittereverywhere.  It’s on the evening news, you can tweet your favourite television program. We’ve also seen the power of it during the recent floods in Brisbane, the people’s political upheaval in Egypt and other recent world events and catastrophes.   (more…)