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Published July 15th, 2011 by Roslyn Garavaglia  


You’ve read about SEO online; you have heard people talking about it and think it has something to do with keywords and meta tags.

Many Bonza website clients use the term “SEO” when discussing their site performance and website upgrades without really knowing what search engine optimisation is.

It’s actually a combination of many elements that, when worked in together, increase the odds of a successful website. Some factors carry more weight than others and no single factor guarantees top rankings in search results.

INTRODUCING: The Periodic Table Of SEO Ranking Factors by Search Engine Land

You can audit your own website with this quick reference.


These elements are in the direct control of the web owner and design team.


3. QUALITY: Are pages well written and have substantial quality content?

3. RESEARCH: Have you researched the keywords people may use to find your content?

2. KEYWORDS: Do pages use words and phrases you hope they’ll be found for?

2. ENGAGE: Do visitors spend time reading or “bounce” away quickly?

2. FRESH: Are pages fresh and updated often?


3. TITLES: Do HTML title tags contain keywords relevant to page topics?

2. DESCRIPTION: Do meta description tags describe what pages are about?

1. HEADERS: Do headlines and subheads use header tags with relevant keywords?


3. CRAWL: Can search engines easily “crawl” pages on site?

1. SPEED Does site load quickly?

1. URLS:  Are URLs short and contain meaningful keywords to page topics?


These elements are in the direct control of the web owner and influenced by visitors and readers of your site.


3. QUALITY:  Are links from trusted, quality or respected web sites?

3. TEXT:  Do links pointing at pages use words you hope they’ll be found for?

1. NUMBER:  Do many links point at your web pages?


2. REPUTATION:  Do those respected on social networks share your content?

1. SHARES:  Do many share your content on social networks


3. AUTHORITY:  Do links, shares & other factors make site a trusted authority?

1. HISTORY:  Has site or its domain been around a long time, operating in same way?


3. COUNTRY:  What country is someone located in?

3. LOCALITY:  What city or local area is someone located in?

2. HISTORY: Does someone regularly visit the site? Or “liked” it?

1. SOCIAL: What do your friends think of the site?


These elements can harm your success online.

2. THIN: Is content “thin” or “shallow” & lacking substance?

1. STUFFING: Do you excessively use words you want pages to be found for?

1. HIDDEN: Do colours or design “hide” words you want pages to be found for?

3. CLOAKING: Do you show search engines different pages than humans?

3. PAID LINKS: Have you purchased links in hopes of better rankings?

1. LINK SPAM: Have you created many links by spamming blogs, forums or other places?


The Periodic
Table Of SEO Ranking Factors

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